Give your agents
assistance for faster resolutions

Discover a world of difference in delivering delightful customer experiences with AI-powered Agent Assist, resulting in quicker contextual resolutions and minimized handling times.

agent assist ai

Built For Your Enterprise

The Only AI-Powered Assistance Your Agents Need

Boost First Contact Success

Equip your agents with instant contextual insights and the best actionable steps to resolve customer issues in the first go, elevating customer experience.

Reduce Average Handling Time

With AI-powered conversation summaries and contextual responses, empower agents to achieve positive outcomes faster while increasing accuracy.

Streamline Agent Workflows

Guide your agents through comprehensive, automated workflows to minimize time spent on routine tasks – freeing them up for other complex customer issues.


Say goodbye to scanning long conversations – get clarity at a glance!

Dive deeper into customer conversations with Agent Assist. Turn lengthy customer interactions into concise, actionable insights – let your agents respond faster and save time.

  • Instantly navigate through vast volumes of customer interactions, ensuring no detail is overlooked.
  • Seamlessly identify and extract key points from conversations, providing agents with the essence of customer queries.
  • Deliver straightforward, easy-to-understand summaries for agents to grasp customer concerns quickly.

Dynamic Response Guide

Craft Perfect responses with Agent Assist

Agent Assist sharpens each response ensuring your agents deliver responses that reflect professionalism and empathy.

  • Reviews agent responses for instant improvement and ensures every message is clear and comprehensible.
  • Detects grammatical errors and clarity issues – guiding agents towards crafting perfect replies.
  • Offers constructive and contextual suggestions for smarter, faster, and more personalized support.

Tone Suggestion & Profanity Detection

Harmonize communication and compliance with every interaction

Prioritize the nuances of tone and align your agents’ communication style to your brand’s ethos with Agent Assist.

  • Analyzes the context of each interaction to recommend the most appropriate tone in real-time, ensuring communication is always on point.
  • Allows for personalized tone settings that align with your brand’s voice, enabling consistent and authentic interactions.
  • Profanity Detection ensures your customer service remains a professional and respectful space, safeguarding the quality of your interactions.

Elaborate Text

Uncover deeper insights behind every message

Bridge the gap between what’s said and what’s meant. Go beyond the surface of customer messages, offering agents a richer, more contextual understanding of customer queries.

  • Interprets the customer pulse and expands on short or unclear customer messages.
  • Provides real-time, relevant and comprehensive expansions of customer messages during live interactions by seamlessly integrating with your current system.

Magic Reply

Generate quick, smart & contextual responses – just like magic!

Powered by Generative AI, Magic Reply is your answer to on-brand responses that agents can use to resolve customer queries in just a few clicks.

  • Utilizes Generative AI to offer timely and relevant reply suggestions, tailored to each unique interaction and customer history.
  • Pre-configured, brand-compliant templates enable agents to address common inquiries swiftly – significantly reducing response times and elevating customer satisfaction.

KAI Co-pilot

Let your agents fly high with KAI Co-Pilot on their side

Imagine having your wingman listen in on chats in real-time, nudging you with smart action tips and messages that just click with what the customer needs. With Co-pilot KAI, support isn’t just quicker; connections are deeper.

  • Get contextual and intelligent suggestions on your next best step to resolve queries faster than ever.
  • With advanced ML and NLP, Co-pilot KAI dynamically crafts responses with customer-specific insights, ensuring every reply is deeply personalized.
  • Co-pilot KAI learns from every agent’s response. A perpetual cycle of learning and adaptation means KAI gets smarter with every interaction.


Connect Seamlessly to the Tools Your Teams Use Daily

Data is useless when it’s hard to access. Kapture integrates with the tools your teams use daily providing quick and easy access to customer insights. Unified visibility = better CX. Experience the power of 1000+ out-of-the-box Enterprise API integrations to centralize your support operations.

Customer Testimonials

Hear it from Our Customers

Insights from satisfied customers sharing their experiences with our AI-powered customer experience platform.

Take a step into the future of AI-powered experiences with Agent Assist

Join the 1000+ Enterprises who transformed their CX and EX while reducing support costs.

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