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Vikas Garg


Vikas Garg, CPO and co-founder of Kapture, is a tech visionary focused on transforming customer experience through AI-powered solutions. With a deep understanding of AI and automation, Vikas works to bridge the gap between technology and exceptional customer service.

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» More blog posts by Vikas Garg:

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Here’s all that is to know about an Agent’s Tone of Voice in Customer Service

Customer Support is one of the key differentiators that every company out there strives to […]

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10 ways to make the most of your Customer Data

Use customer data and add value to your business Business in the digital era is […]

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Support Queue Management Tips

“Please be on hold while we connect your call to the customer representative”. **Jingle playing.** […]

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VoIP CRM Integration : Everything you need to know

Sales and customer support agents always deal with multiple manual tasks that make them tired […]

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Ways to Identify and Meet Customer Expectations

According to an Accenture study, 48 percent of consumers expect exceptional treatment for being a […]

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Customer Experience Vs Customer Engagement: Everything You Need To Know

Customer Engagement  Customer Experience  Brands making an effort to maintain customer relationships  Customers’ perception of […]

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B2B Customer Service: Its Importance in the B2B Industry

80% of B2B buyers expect the same buying experience that is given to the B2C […]

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Want To Write An Inspiring Customer Service Vision Statement? Let’s Show You How It’s Done!

“That’s what she said” “OH. MY. GOD” “I am the danger” Rings a bell, right? […]

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What is customer service policy and why is it important?

We all have come across a situation where different customers with a similar issue have […]

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Building Customer Trust: 5 Easy Ways to Do It

According to Forbes, a whopping 83% of customers would recommend a company they trusted to […]

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