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Vikas Garg


Vikas Garg, CPO and co-founder of Kapture, is a tech visionary focused on transforming customer experience through AI-powered solutions. With a deep understanding of AI and automation, Vikas works to bridge the gap between technology and exceptional customer service.

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» More blog posts by Vikas Garg:

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An Easy Way to Sync Kapture CRM With Your Oracle Account

Kapture CRM’s integration with Oracle’s Business suite was created to offer a 360-degree cloud data […]

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How Customer Profiling & Segmentation helps increase Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value is a metric that’s fairly untouched in the business world mainly because […]

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5 Crucial Elements Of An Automated Sales Workflow

What is A Sales Workflow? Sales workflow commence as soon as a lead enters your […]

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Three Action Items To Design World Class B2B Sales Presentations

Most people make buying decisions to alleviate some sort of inherent pain that they feel […]

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The Art of Greeting Customers in Different Industries

The biggest put off for any customer in the World who thought you were a […]

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The Executive Guide to Understanding the Single-View Dashboard

About the Single-View Dashboard:   A Single-View CRM Dashboard provides a brief but optimized glimpse […]

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It’s Here: New Way for Magento Store Owners to Personalize the E-Commerce Store Experience

With the explosion of the internet, online businesses are raging. New products that solve problems […]

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