Kapture CX Revolutionizes Customer Support with Launch of AI-Powered Social Media Bot

India, 28th Oct 2023: Kapture CX, a leading provider of customer experience solutions, today announced the launch of its innovative social media bot, powered by KAI, designed to deliver 24/7 omnichannel support and empower businesses to provide exceptional customer service across all social media platforms.

“Today’s customers expect immediate and personalized support on the channels they prefer,” said Sheshgiri Kamath, CEO at Kapture CX. “KAI-powered social media bots bridge this gap by providing intelligent auto-responses, leveraging advanced AI and NLP to address customer inquiries efficiently and consistently, 24/7.”

KAI Delivers Powerful Social Media Support Features:

  • 24/7 Omnichannel Support: KAI ensures your customers receive timely assistance across platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and more, empowering them to resolve issues at their convenience.
  • Intelligent Auto-Responses: Craft insightful responses informed by past interactions and a vast knowledge base, guaranteeing no query goes unanswered.
  • Seamless Integration: Enhance your support capabilities without disrupting existing workflows. KAI integrates flawlessly with your current setup.
  • Enhanced Agent Productivity: Free your team from repetitive tasks. KAI automates responses, allowing agents to focus on complex cases and improve overall productivity.

Powered by Cutting-Edge Technology:

  • Conversational AI & NLP: KAI utilizes NLP (Natural Language Processing) and advanced AI to comprehend free-form queries, engage in natural conversations, and deliver refined responses.
  • Sentiment Analysis & Intent Recognition: Tailor interactions to individual needs with sentiment analysis and intent recognition. Respond empathetically and address specific customer goals.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Personalize interactions through data-driven insights.
  • Cognitive Learning & Process Improvement: KAI continuously learns from customer interactions, enabling cognitive intelligence and ongoing process improvements for even better support.

Social media bots by Kapture help businesses with:

  • Reduced Support Queue: Slash your customer support queue by up to 90% (according to internal testing).
  • Faster Resolution: KAI’s industry-specific knowledge and understanding of unique terminologies enable efficient problem-solving and faster resolution of customer issues.
  • Increased Agent Productivity: Reclaim agent time by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Improved CSAT Scores: Enhance customer satisfaction with prompt, personalized, and 24/7 support, leading to a potential increase in CSAT scores by up to 40% (according to internal testing).

The Kapture CX Email Bot empowers businesses to:

  • Personalize customer interactions
  • Elevate user satisfaction
  • Streamline the customer support process

About Kapture CX

Kapture is an enterprise-grade AI-powered omnichannel Customer Experience management platform with a deep focus on customer support. Kapture adapts to evolving customer expectations and transforms good customer experiences to great ones. With expertise in five key industry verticals: Retail, BFSI, Travel, Energy and Consumer durables, Kapture today is helping 1000+ businesses in 16 countries create wonderful customer experiences.


Navneet Kaur

Manager- Marketing


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